A steam bath opens pores, soothes sore muscles, increases circulation, and provides a generally relaxing and healthy body. The steam will soothe sinus irritation due to allergies or colds and chest congestion from asthma or bronchial infection. Other benefits of a steam bath include improving the symptoms of certain respiratory infections, such as nasal congestion and coughing, and even relieving the symptoms of asthma and airway constriction. It helps to promote wound healing. The steam bath can also provide significant pain relief to those with arthritis and other muscle and joint problems. Steam baths bring more oxygen to the surface of the skin, giving it a warm, healthy glow. Steam bath benefits also include helping to reduce acne breakouts, and reducing the visible signs of aging.
Saunas induce perspiration which helps in ridding the body of toxins, increase circulation, raise body temperature which helps the body fight aches and pains. Sauna helps to relieve muscle tension and feeling of emotional and physical well-being. With the help of a sauna, nitrogen is also released through the skin. Saunas can have benefits to the cardiovascular system. Saunas help prepare the body for hot weather by exposing the body to the humid heat produced by a sauna .Some conditions require you consult your physician before you enter a sauna. If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or heart disease